UMass Boston

Area of Expertise

Neighborhood and Community Planning, Participatory Research, Community Health and Planning


Doctor of Philosophy, City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, May 1990

Master of Urban Planning, Hunter College of the City University of New York, May 1982

BA, Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 1976

Professional Publications & Contributions

  • Reardon, Kenneth M. and John F. Forester (Co-Editors). Forthcoming 2015. Pursuing Equity Planning in the Crescent City: Reflections upon the New Orleans Planning Initiative, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press
  • Lemmie, Valerie, Reardon, Kenneth M and Hydra, Derek. 2015. Race, Politics and Urban Distress: An Engaging Conversation, in Distressed Cities Reader, edited by Anja H. Bieri, Anne M. Khademian, Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Inc.
  • Reardon, Kenneth M. (2013) Community-Based Planning, Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research and Well-Being Research, Alex C. Michalos (Ed.) Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Publishing Company, pp. 1112-1114.
  • Reardon, Kenneth M., Antonio Raciti, and Katherine Lambert Pennington. (Submitted). “From Skepticism to Outrage: A Short Trip on HUD’s Choice Neighborhood Express,” Cities: A Journal of Urban Affairs and Policy Making (Invited for Inclusion in a Special Issue on Public Housing Resistance Movements).
  • Reardon, Kenneth M. (Accepted). 2014. “An Empowerment Approach to Community Planning and Development,” Plenum: the journal of urbanism, (Special Issue), Summer.

Additional Information

Ken Reardon is professor and director of the master's program in Urban Planning and Community Development. Prior to joining UMass Boston he was director of the graduate program for the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of Memphis. Prior to joining the Memphis faculty, Reardon was an associate professor and chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning at AAP, where he pursued research, teaching, and outreach in the areas of neighborhood planning, community development, and community/university development partnerships. During his time in Ithaca, he coordinated the department's New Orleans Planning Initiative, which produced a recovery plan for the Ninth Ward. Before joining the Cornell faculty, Reardon was a tenured planning professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where his work in establishing the East St. Louis Action Research Project earned him the AICP President's Award and the Dale Prize for Excellence in City Planning.