Patricia Krueger-Henney
PhD, City University of New York
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Patricia Krueger-Henney’s research follows mixed method designs to examine educational policies in urban school systems. Moreover, through participatory action research she documents how young people perceive and experience social injustices produced and reproduced by current purposes of education. She has authored journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers outlining how youth-centered visual narratives situate purposes of education as embodied and spatialized knowledges. Prior to joining the University of Massachusetts Boston, Krueger-Henney was a faculty member of various teacher education programs and also taught social studies in New York City public high schools. In addition, she is a member and consultant for The Public Science Project at The CUNY Graduate Center, editorial reviewer for peer-reviewed educational journals and serves on the advisory board for SPARK, a graduate teacher education program at Keene State College in New Hampshire. Krueger-Henney earned her PhD in urban education from The Graduate Center at The City University of New York.