Sun Young Whang
Area of Expertise
Metaverse, Virtual Reality, Institutional Work, Identity Work, Qualitative Method, Netnography, Social Media
PhD, University of Oklahoma
MS, Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies, South Korea
BA, Yonsei University, South Korea
Professional Publications & Contributions
Whang, S. Y., & Miranda, S. (2023). The Metaverse Church: Institutional Work Toward Forging Actor Networks for Network Innovations. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 10952). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Matthews, M., Sun-Young (Sunny) Whang, Nitiema, P., Sikhondze, B. L., & Wang, D. (2021). Leaders in Extreme Contexts: An Exploratory Analysis of US Leaders' Tweets. In Proceeding of Americas Conference of Information Systems (AMCIS).
Shaft, T., Tian, A. C., & Whang, S. Y. (2020). Anxious and Angry: A Replication Investigating the Effects of Emotions on Perceptions of Online Review Helpfulness. AIS Transactions on Replication Research 6 (1), 17.
Additional Information
Courses Taught
Relational Databases, Database Management, Computer-based Information Systems, SAP ERP Systems
Dr. Sun Young (Sunny) Whang studies institutional and identity work in the Metaverse at both organizational and individual levels. Her recent scholarship focuses on qualitative ethnography to explore social phenomenons in the newly emerging virtual worlds. She earned her bachelor's degree in Economics and her Master of International Studies degree in International Trade and Finance. Prior to pursuing her doctoral studies, she created and operated the KUBS Worldwide Business Research Rankings at the Center for Business Research Analytics of Korea University Business School. She also was a programme manager running KOICA government training programs on LDC's economic development at a private research and consulting institute.