UMass Boston

Wan-Ting Wu

Accounting & Finance
Associate Professor
McCormack Hall Floor 05

Area of Expertise

Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting


PhD, Accounting, Arizona State University

MBA, Accounting, National Taiwan University

BBA, Accounting (major) and Economics (minor), National Taiwan University

Professional Publications & Contributions

  • "Can a Hybrid Method Improve Equity Valuation? An Empirical Evaluation of the Ohlson and Johannesson (2016) Model." (co-authored with Z. Gao, J. Myers, L. Myers), 2019 The Accounting Review. 94: 227-252.
  • “Performance Periods in CEO Performance-Based Equity Awards: Theory and Evidence.” (co-authored with J. H. Evans III., Y. Hwang, and Z. Gao), The Accounting Review, 93 (2): 161-190.
  • “Contractual Features of CEO Performance-Vested Equity Compensation.” (co-authored with Y. Hwang and Z. Gao). Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 13 (3): 282-303.
  • “Choice of Performance Measures in Performance-Vested Equity Compensation and Future Performance.” Corporate Ownership and Control, 15 (1): 174-192.
  • “WhyteGlov Services: IRC Section 1060 Asset Acquisition,” (co-authored with D. Goldman and V. Makridis), 2016, Journal of Accounting Education 37: 24-37.
  • “Predicting Long-Term Earnings Growth from Multiple Information,” (co-authored with Z. Gao), 2014, International Review of Financial Analysis 32: 71-84.
  • “The Forward E/P Ratio and Earnings Growth”, 2014, Advances in Accounting 30: 128-142.
  • “The P/E Ratio and Profitability,” 2014, Journal of Business & Economics Research, 12: 67-76.
  • “Long-term cash incentives and performance shares awards in executives’ compensation,” 2013, Journal of Finance and Accountancy 14: 1-18.
  • “Relationships of independent directors, independent supervisors, accounting regulations and quality of financial reporting: A multiple method approach,” (co-authored with Duh, R. and Y. Liu), 2006, Journal of Contemporary Accounting 7 (November): 135-170.

Additional Information

Research Interests

Capital Markets Research, Executive Compensation, Equity Valuation, Analysts' Forecasts

Courses Taught

  • Accounting for Managers
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Financial Accounting
  • Intermediate Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Cost Accounting