UMass Boston


Don't have a computer for the current semester? Maybe a Chromebook is what you need! Does this sound like you? 

  • I need access to my Blackboard 
  • I attend class online via Zoom 
  • I can use CloudPC via browser to access other software  
  • I can do my work through the web browser via CloudPC, or Access Office Online at 
  • I know that UMass Boston Chromebook is unable to install MS Word, Excel, Python, R programming, and some other programs. 

How to Request a Chromebook

Chromebooks are available for pick up on the Healey Library, 2nd floor of the Circulation desk.  If you have questions about Chromebook requests, please contact Library Circulation at 617-287-5900.

Fill out the link form below before proceeding for pickup:

Request a Chromebook

As long as supplies last, you can borrow a Chromebook from IT Services. Just return it by the end of the semester, or sooner if you no longer use it so we can loan it out to other students in waiting.  Return the Chromebook to the Healey Library Circulation desk, 2nd floor. 

★ Please note: This program is intended for students without their own computer who have a longer-term need for one. If you need a computer temporarily like if yours is being repaired, there are several options you might consider instead:

  • Short-Term Loans - There are two sources of short-term Chromebook laptop loans on campus. Visit the Campus Center UL Information Desk or the Healey Library 2nd floor Circulation Desk to learn more.
  • Computer Labs - There are several Mac and PC labs for general use on campus. Learn more about on-campus Labs
  • Cloud PC - connect to a current Windows computer with MS Office and other features, using any computer, Linux personal computer, iPad, or tablet you have. Learn more about Cloud PC

FAQ Chromebook

What’s a Chromebook?

  • It’s a lightweight laptop that runs on Google’s operating system, Chrome OS, instead of the Windows or macOS operating systems. Essentially Chromebook is really just a web browser.

Is there a microphone and a camera on Chromebook? 

  • Yes

What is the Chromebook screen size? 

  • 11.6 inches. 

Can I install any software to the UMass Boston Chromebook?

  • No, you can’t install typical software such as R programming, SPSS, STATA, and many others. However, you may be able to install apps from the Google PlayStore by signing in with your personal Gmail account and password. In addition, you can access via a web browser the CloudPC programs like Word, Excel, SPSS, STATA, and many others for your courses. 

Can I store files to Chromebook? 

  • Yes, but it’s highly recommended to use OneDrive storage for security and backup. It's free to all UMass Boston students and available through OneDrive.

How do I connect Chromebook to the school Wifi, eduroam, and sign in to the UMass Boston Chromebook? 

As long as you can sign in to your UMass Boston email, you can connect to eduroam: 

  • The power button is on the top-right key on your keyboard with the "power" symbol icon. 
  • Make sure the Chromebook has a Wifi connection first. On-campus to connect to eduroam follow the instructions below: 
    • At the bottom right corner next to the battery icon click the Wifi signal 
    • Left to the Bluetooth icon, on the dropdown arrow, choose eduroam 
    • At EAP Method text box select PEAP from the list 
    • Leave the next two as is, scroll to the Identity section 
    • At Identity, enter your UMass Boston email address (do not include and password 
    • Click "Connect"
  • Sign into Chromebook 
    • You can sign into Chromebook with multiple accounts: first, use your UMass Boston email and UMass Boston email password. You can also sign in with your personal Gmail account which lets you install Apps from the Google Playstore. 
    • Bottom center to the right of the screen, click on Add Person 
    • Enter your full UMass Boston email (with the, and go through the setup 
    • Follow the on-screen instructions 
    • To sign in with a personal Gmail account, click on Add Person again and follow the instructions on the screen 

Can I do with Chromebook what I'm used to doing on my Mac or Windows computer?

  • Because most websites aren't static documents anymore, you can do almost everything you use a Windows or Mac computer for on a Chromebook: 


  • Still, need Windows functionality on a Chromebook? CloudPC lets you access a full Windows operating system through your web browser and it works great on Chromebooks! 
  • Learn more about CloudPC!

Note: To set up your Wifi on campus, check out our Wifi page for more instructions. 

Learn More

Learn your Chromebook

Support options

Chromebook Accessibility Resources

Accessibility Features in Chromebooks

Accessibility Video Resources

Information Technology Services
Healey Library, 3rd Floor