UMass Boston

Clinical Leadership Collaborative for Diversity in Nursing (CLCDN)

Clinical Leadership Collaborative for Diversity in Nursing (CLCDN)

Brief Description of the Program

The Clinical Leadership Collaborative for Diversity in Nursing (CLCDN) is a partnership between Mass General Brigham (MGB) and UMass Boston’s Donna M. and Robert J. Manning College of Nursing and Health Sciences (MCNHS).  The CLCDN Fellowship provides professional and leadership development opportunities for diverse nursing students at UMass Boston (UMB) who have demonstrated academic excellence, the promise of success, and leadership potential. This program is dedicated to driving transformative change in the nursing workforce, embodying the spirit of diversity, equity, and innovation.  To date, the program has supported over 100 undergraduate nursing students.

In the summer of 2023, a remarkable $20 million expansion of the program was announced, with $10 million gifts from both MGB and the UMass Boston Foundation to support up to 400 students over the next 5 years. This substantial investment serves as a testament to the joint commitment of fostering a healthcare landscape that is not only clinically proficient but also culturally sensitive.  The expansion of the CLCDN program forges a sizable path toward an inclusive, equitable, and proficient future for nursing, where diversity is celebrated, leadership is cultivated, and nursing's role is solidified in shaping health equity.


CLCDN Team Members

Currently, the UMB team includes Drs. Jessica Whiteley and Suha Ballout, Gabriela Eschleman, and our CLCDN Fellows working together with MGB’s Dr. Gaurdia Banister, Colleen Moran, MJ Ryan, and CLCDN mentors from MGB hospitals around greater Boston. This expansion will allow our team to grow, innovate, and continue to serve the program and our CLCDN Fellows.

Recruitment of Students

With the expansion, MCNHS Nursing students in the Bachelor of Science degree program in both the traditional option as well as the accelerated option will be able to apply to participate in the fellowship.  The initial call for applications will be announced in the fall of 2023 and will be ongoing for five years. Students undergo a rigorous application process. The CLCDN team from UMB and MGB participates in the selection of the fellows.

CLCDN Fellowship

CLCDN Fellows are assigned a mentor from the beginning of their fellowship through their first year of a nursing position in the MGB system. Throughout nursing school, as part of their professional development with the CLCDN program, Fellows receive leadership training, peer support, mentorship, networking opportunities, professional development, financial support, and MGB clinical placements to support their success and prepare them for their nursing careers.

CLCDN Program Outcomes

Previous CLCDN alumnae and mentors have enrolled in or completed graduate school, attained leadership roles in the nursing field, participated in professional organizations, addressed global health issues, championed combating health inequities, and served as role models in the nursing field.

This unique partnership between MGB and UMass Boston to support and expand the CLCDN program stands as a beacon of progress, inclusivity, and excellence as it promotes transformative change in the nursing workforce.