UMass Boston

Research Funding Opportunity for Pre-Tenured Faculty


For the past 25 years, the Retired Faculty Leadership Council has awarded pre-tenure track faculty transformative financial grants through our Endowed Faculty Career Development Fund. Thanks to the generosity of loyal donors (our retired faculty!) this fund grants awards of up to $5,000 to each of two recipients annually. 

Please note that these funds can be used in a large number of ways as long as they directly contribute to the scholarly productivity of the pre-tenured faculty member. For example, among the budget items approved in the past are monies for: 

  1. Undergraduate or Graduate Assistants
  2. Equipment and Supplies
  3. Travel to distant libraries and/or important meetings
  4. Dissemination and Publication
  5. Pilot studies prior to larger grant submissions

The review committee has tended not to prioritize supplemental salary for the pre-tenured faculty member. 

We invite applications from pre-tenured faculty in all colleges and departments. To apply, please submit: 

  • A brief research proposal of two to three pages explaining your proposed project and why this award would be helpful to you at this stage of your career. 
  • A budget and statement explaining how you would use the funds (be specific).
  • A brief letter of endorsement from your department chair explaining how such an award would be helpful to your career
  • An abbreviated curriculum vitae (no more than two pages).



Past recipients have expressed their deep gratitude for these funds as they have served as a stepping stone for larger grants and helped train graduate students.

Applications are now being accepted. Deadline is September 18, 2024. Apply online