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Scholarships for First-Year & Transfer Students
Deadlines & Cost
Early action deadline: November 1; Regular Decision Deadline: June 15
Financing Your Education
Become a Beacon and pursue your passion in UMass Boston’s diverse, supportive environment. Many students across our 200+ undergraduate and graduate programs receive financial aid—providing access to an education that’s exceptional and affordable. Click below to learn more about financial aid opportunities and deadlines.
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Scholarships for First-Year & Transfer Students
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Labor Studies Courses (18 Credits)
Complete six labor studies courses chosen in consultation with the department.
Introductory Courses (6 Credits)
- LABOR 210L - Labor and Working Class History in the United States 3 Credit(s)
- AMST 101 - Popular Culture in America 3 Credit(s)
- ECON 101 - Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Credit(s)
- ECON 102 - Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 Credit(s)
- HIST 266 - American History since 1877 3 Credit(s)
Research Methods Course (3 Credits)
Complete one from below.
- ANTH 348 - Ethnographic Inquiry: Introduction to Qualitative Field Research 3 Credit(s)
- ANTH 352 - Applied Social Anthropology 3 Credit(s)
- HIST 481 - Research & Methods: Senior Research Methods in History 3 Credit(s)
- POLSCI 350 - Political Research Methods 3 Credit(s)
- SOCIOL 202 - Methods of Sociological Research 3 Credit(s)
Electives (21 Credits)
Take seven electives from the list below.
- LABOR 120L - Sports and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and the Labor of Sweat 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 240L - Work, Environment, and Revolution in Latin America 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 275L - Learning to Labor: Work and Education in US History 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 315 - Labor, Community, and Social Justice Organizing 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 325 - Workers’ Rights and Human Rights 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 330 - Race, Class, and Gender at Work: Divisions in Labor 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 335 - Globalization and Labor 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 340 - Field Placements in Workers’ Organizations 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 390L - Working-Class Boston 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 450 - Labor and the U.S. Economy 3 Credit(s)
- LABOR 480 - Independent Study 1-3 Credit(s)
- AFRSTY 350L - Race, Class, and Gender: Issues in US Diversity 3 Credit(s)
- AMST 360 - Work, Society, and Culture in Modern America 3 Credit(s)
- AMST 405 - The Immigrant Experience 3 Credit(s)
- AMST 440L - United States in a Global Context 3 Credit(s)
- ECON 339 - Political Economy of International Migration 3 Credit(s)
- ECON 391 - Unions and Collective Bargaining 3 Credit(s)
- ECON 420 - Gender and Economics 3 Credit(s)
- ENGL 373 - Working-Class Literature 3 Credit(s)
- POLSCI 335 - Law and Public Policy (A) 3 Credit(s)
- WGS 355L - Gender, Development, & Globalization 3 Credit(s)
- WGS 360 - Gender, Culture, and Power 3 Credit(s)
- WGS 394L - Radical Voices of Resistance: Gender, Race and US Social Movements 3 Credit(s)
Capstone (3 Credits)
- LABOR 340 - Field Placements in Workers’ Organizations 3 Credit(s)
For more information on curriculum, including course descriptions and degree requirements, visit the Academic Catalog.
Learning Outcomes
Develop a critical understanding of the major events, actors, processes, and forces defining and shaping the history of labor and the working class in the United States and beyond.
- Develop theabilitytogathersecondarysourcesona giventopic, and evaluate their contributions to understandings of the past and present both within and outside of academia.
- Develop the abilityto effectivelyengagewithprimary sourcesin analyticalwriting that situates them within a historical context.
- Develop competency in presenting research and analysis in both written and verbal form.
Graduate Criteria
Degree Requirements
If this is the student’s only or primary major, the degree requirements below must be completed for graduation. See graduation requirements for more information.
Major Requirements
Complete 33 credits from eleven courses including two introductory courses, one research methods course, seven electives, and one capstone.
Grade: No courses with a grade below C- may be applied toward the major.
GPA: A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all major courses.
Pass/fail: No courses taken pass/fail may be applied toward the major.
Residency: At least five courses used for the major must be completed at UMass Boston. At least six courses used for the major must be LABOR courses. At least three of the six required LABOR courses must be completed at UMass Boston.
Related Programs
Labor Studies Minor
Supplement any major with the minor in labor studies. Students minoring in labor studies (or simply taking courses in the program) will find that it provides a useful foundation for employment in a variety of occupations – from legal to nonprofit work.
Labor Studies Certificate
The Professional Certificate in Labor Leadership is a valuable credential for emerging leaders in the labor movement. The certificate program fosters group learning across different unions, communities, and economic sectors. Students may enroll in the certificate program as either a pre-baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate option.

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