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Accelerated Bachelor’s & Master’s Programs (AMP)
Earn a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in as little as five years.
Attend An Info Session AMP Interest Form Apply
The Accelerated Master’s Program (AMP) allows qualified UMass Boston students to earn a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in as little as five years. Undergraduate students replace general electives with graduate coursework, receive their bachelor's degree, and then matriculate as graduate students to complete their master’s degrees. Pursuing an accelerated master’s degree enables students to graduate with two degrees in as little as five years.
Why participate in an Accelerated Master’s Program?
- Save money. Pay undergraduate tuition rates and apply undergraduate financial aid toward any graduate-level coursework taken while considered an undergraduate. On average, students save more than $10,000 on the cost of earning a master’s degree. AMP applicants pay no application or deposit confirmation fees.
- Save time. Graduate as much as one year sooner than a standard master’s degree program.
- Skip transcripts and test scores. Applicants don’t need to submit UMass Boston transcripts, and many programs don’t require GRE or GMAT scores.
Application & Admission
- Step 1: Submit an AMP Interest Form. The best way to get connected to information and resources is to fill out an AMP Interest Form. It’s never too early to indicate your interest. The interest form is non-binding and does not commit you to applying or participating in an AMP program.
- Step 2: Connect with your advisors. After you have submitted an AMP Interest Form we recommend connecting with your undergraduate advisor and the Graduate Program Director to see if an AMP is a good fit. The most successful students are those that carefully plan their undergraduate coursework leading up to applying for an AMP.
- Step 3: Submit an application. Carefully review the application deadlines and academic requirements for your desired AMP program. Submit a no-cost AMP application when you’re ready to apply.
- Step 4: Confirm Acceptance. If you're accepted, there is no need to pay a deposit. To accept your offer, fill out the Enrollment Confirmation Form in your acceptance letter or in your Beacon Gateway.
Eligibility & Deadlines
Eligibility, application requirements, deadlines and time to completion vary by program. Review individual program requirements and standards below.
Most programs require that students apply when they have earned between 60 and 96 undergraduate credits. Otherwise qualified students who do not apply in the appropriate timeframe may not be eligible to participate.
Contact your program’s Graduate Program Director for more information about admissions criteria, curriculum, and more.
AMP Offerings & Contacts
Applied Economics (BA/MA)
Program Information
Program Director: Harry Konstantinidis
Contact: Maureen Boyle, x6950 (College of Liberal Arts)
Office: W/5/028
Application Deadline: Fall admission only; applications due June 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 72-96
Modality: In person
Applied Linguistics (BA/MA)
Program Information
Program Manager: Apostolos Koutropoulos, x5760
Office: M-4-454
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by June 1; Spring applications due by November 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 60-96
Modality: In person
Applied Sociology (BA/MA)
Program Information
Program Director: Elizabeth Brown
Contact: Joy C. L. Solon, x5717 (College of Liberal Arts)
Office: W/04/15
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by March 1 (extended to May 1 for Fall 2025); Spring applications due by October 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 60-75
Modality: In person
UMass Boston’s Accelerated Bachelor/Master of Arts in Applied Sociology program is designed for qualified third-year UMass Boston students who want to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in as little as five years.
Sociology BA
Applied Sociology MA
Interested AMP students must:
- Be an undergraduate student with between 60 and 75 credits and a 3.2 min GPA when you apply for our AMP; this means you should have between 75 and 90 credits when starting the program
- Have taken at least 30 credits from UMass Boston at the time of application
For academic advising and program info, contact Graduate Program Director, Liz Brown or sign up for a Zoom meeting.
For other program logistics questions, contact Graduate Program Coordinator Joy Solon or sign up for a Zoom meeting.
Business Administration (BA/BS to MBA)
Program Information
Program Director: Xiaolu Xu
Contact: gradcm@umb.edu, x7720 (College of Management)
Office: M/5/610
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by June 1; Spring applications due by December 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 72-96
Modality: Online, in person, or hybrid
Chemistry (BS/MS)
Program Information
Program Directors: Neil Reilly and Wei Zhang
Contact: graduate.chemistry@umb.edu, x6130 (College of Science and Mathematics)
Office: Y/3/3230
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by June 1; Spring applications due by November 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 70-120
Modality: In person
Conflict Resolution (BA/MA)
Program Information
Program Director: Karen Ross
Contact: Leigh Murphy, x7489 (McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies)
Office: W/4/109
Application Deadline: Fall admission only; applications due June 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 72-96 (60-72 for Honors College students)
Modality: In person
Critical & Creative Thinking (BA/MA)
Program Information
Program Director: Jeremy Szteiter
Contact: cct@umb.edu, x7636 (College of Education and Human Development)
Office: W/2/157
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by June 1; Spring applications due by December 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 60
Modality: Hybrid
Environmental Science (BS/MS)
Program Information
Program Director: Michael Tlusty
Contact: sfe@umb.edu, x77440
Office: M-2-615
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by March 1; Spring applications due by October 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 60-90
Modality: In person
*Before applying to the Accelerated Master's Program in Environmental Science, please email Professor Helen Poynton to go through the pre-approval stage.
Exercise and Health Sciences (BS/MS)
Program Information
Program Director: Kai Zou
Contact: gradehs@umb.edu, x73217
Office: S-3-301/31
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by June 1; Spring applications due by December 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 64-80
Modality: In person
Gerontology: Research Policy (BS/MS)
Program Information
Program Director: Jeffrey Stokes
Contact: Martin Hansen-Verma, x7338 (Manning College of Nursing & Health Sciences)
Office: W-03-143
Application Deadline: Fall admission only, applications due by June 1
Modality: In person
Gerontology: Management of Aging Services (BS/MS)
Program Information
Program Director: Ellen Birchander
Contact: Martin Hansen-Verma, x7338 (Manning College of Nursing & Health Sciences)
Office: W-03-143
Global Inclusion and Social Development (BA/MA)
Program Information
Contact: Kaitlyn Siner-Cappas, x73070
Office: Bayside 04-423
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by June 1; Spring applications due by December 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 72-96
Modality: In person
History (BA/MA)
Program Information
Program Director: Olivia Weisser
Contact: Maureen Dwyer, x6860 (College of Liberal Arts)
Office: M/4/623
Application Deadline: Fall admissions only; applications due by May 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 80-90
Modality: Online or In person (History track); In person (Public History track)
Interested AMP History students must:
- Be a History major
- Have accrued at least 80 credits (but not more than 90 credits)
- Have taken at least 30 credits in residence at UMass Boston and at least 3 History courses in ​residence at UMass Boston
- Have completed HIST 101 at UMass Boston
- Have a cumulative 3.3 GPA or higher
- Have passed the WPE
- Sit in on a graduate History course before their application is considered complete; please reach out to the Graduate Program Director to arrange a class visit
International Relations (BA/MA)
Program Information
Program Director: Courtenay Sprague
Contact: Leigh Murphy, x7489 (McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies)
Office: W/4/109
Application Deadline: Fall admission only - application deadline is June 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 72-96 (60-72 for Honors College students)
Modality: In person
Middle/Secondary Education Initial Licensure (MEd)
Program Information
Program Director: Christopher Martell
Contact: grad.teachered@umb.edu, x7492
Office: W/1/0077Q
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due June 1; Spring applications due December 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 75-117
Modality: In person
Public Administration (BA/MPA)
Program Information
Program Director: Michael Johnson
Contact: Jack Li, x6905 (McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies)
Office: W/3/412
Application Deadline: Fall admission only, applications due June 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: N/A (Students are typically asked to apply during sophomore or junior year and can take MPA courses during senior year if approved.)
Modality: Hybrid
Public Administration: Gender, Leadership, and Public Policy (BA/MPA)
Program Information
Program Director: Michael Johnson
Contact: Jack Li, x6905 (McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies)
Office: W/3/412
Application Deadline: Fall admission only, applications due June 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: N/A (Students are typically asked to apply during sophomore or junior year and can take MPA courses during senior year if approved.)
Modality: Hybrid
Rehabilitation Counseling (MS)
Program Information
Program Director: James Soldner
Contact: rehabadmissions@umb.edu, x3070
Office: Bayside Campus, 150 Mount Vernon Street, Dorchester/4th floor
Application Deadlines: Fall applications due by June 1; Spring applications due by November 1
Undergraduate Credit Range Needed to Apply: 60-102
Modality: Online
Students in this program must satisfy all requirements for both degrees.
In order to complete the program in five years, students will be expected to complete most, if not all, of the academic requirements for their undergraduate degree by the end of the first semester of the senior or fourth year. Delays to this timeline may impact eligibility for Financial Aid. It is suggested that students begin taking graduate courses toward the master’s degree no earlier than the first semester of the junior or third year. AMP participants may receive up to a maximum of 18 Advanced Standing credits to reflect the graduate coursework successfully completed as an undergraduate, reducing the total number of courses required to complete the master’s degree. A minimum of 12 credits must be completed during the time that the student is registered as a graduate student.
Curriculum plans and courses of study may vary by program. We recommend you consult the Graduate Program Director of your program of interest for more information.
In the semester during which the undergraduate requirements are completed, including the overall 120 credit minimum, AMP students should apply for graduation to earn the bachelor’s degree. When the bachelor’s degree is awarded, students will matriculate as a graduate student.
Financial Aid
- Despite taking some graduate level coursework, AMP students pay undergraduate tuition and fees, as long as at least half of their coursework each semester is at the undergraduate level.
- AMP students will be charged graduate tuition after they matriculate as a graduate student, upon completion of 120 credits and all undergraduate requirements and awarding of the bachelor’s degree.
- AMP students’ undergraduate financial aid eligibility will be determined based on their enrollment and remaining undergraduate degree requirements. To maintain eligibility for undergraduate financial aid, accelerated master’s students must be taking credits that will count toward their undergraduate degree and credit requirements. Students must enroll in at least six credits that count toward their undergraduate degree requirements in order to borrow federal loans.
- Once a student matriculates as a graduate student, they will be eligible for funding opportunities available to traditional master’s students. Though graduate students are not eligible for need-based grants, they may be eligible for federal student loans and other external scholarships. Limited research assistantships and funding opportunities may be granted by individual programs. Contact your program of interest or the Financial Aid office for more information.
- Most AMP students begin taking graduate coursework in their final year of undergraduate study. They typically begin the semester after they reach 72-96 credits and are on track to complete 120 credits and all undergraduate requirements within the next academic year. Honors College students typically begin in their junior or third year after they have earned 60-72 credits. Completed credit requirements can vary by program - please reach out to the Graduate Program Director of your program of interest for more information.
- Students move to graduate student status when they have completed all UMass Boston undergraduate degree requirements and the bachelor’s degree has been awarded.
- Undergraduate students who wish to leave the program before matriculating as a graduate student are still eligible to receive their bachelor’s degree once they have earned 120 credits and fulfilled all undergraduate degree requirements as outlined in their degree audit.
- If a student intends to continue with the master’s degree and needs to take time off before beginning the final year of graduate work, they may defer graduate matriculation for up to one year. After this time, students lose their advanced standing in the program and are responsible for earning the full number of credits for the master’s degree, working with the Graduate Program Director to determine appropriate substitutions for the classes taken while an undergraduate student.
- AMP students are awarded two degrees.
- Students who entered an AMP before Spring 2022 will have both degrees awarded together after all requirements for the master’s degree are complete.
- Students entering an AMP in Spring 2022 or after will matriculate into the graduate program after the bachelor’s degree is awarded.