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Campus Digital Signage (UMBTV)
AV Services and Classroom Technology
Campus Digital Signage (UMBTV) can be used to advertise any upcoming UMB events, courses, campus information, etc.
Still images and short videos (with no audio) can be played on the system.
Resolution Size: 1920 x 1080 (Horizontal/Landscape Layout)
Recommended Formats:JPEG, PDF, PNG, PowerPoint, Photoshop File, MP4
Please submit all requests to . When submitting your request, please include how long you would like the ad to run for (i.e. for the semester, until a specific date, ect.)
You can always just send us information about an event in as text and we will create an ad based on that information.
Please include the following information:
- Name of Event
- Time
- Date
- Location
- Contact Info
- Picture (optional)
Classroom Technology and AV Services
Healey Library, Lower Level