UMass Boston

staff and faculty at a writing across curriculum workshop
Writing Across the Curriculum

Our Program


The UMB Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program’s primary mission is to increase the presence of effective, inclusive writing instruction across disciplines and to support connection and coherence in writing-related efforts across the university. 

We offer faculty-to-faculty development workshops, resources, and consultation to help individual instructors (“WAC Faculty Fellows”) integrate or improve writing instruction in their own classrooms. We also provide expert guidance and a point of cross-disciplinary articulation to departments, programs, and courses, as well as host events to promote and celebrate writing and writing education.

Our Principles

  1. Writing to Learn: Writing is a valuable method of learning for all students, both in specific courses and over an academic career.
  2. Learning to Write: Student writers develop best when given recurring, sustained opportunities to write in a variety of genres, disciplines,  and contexts.
  3. Teaching Writing: Faculty of all disciplines can play a role in facilitating and guiding student writing.
  4. Writing and Equity:  Writing instruction and assessment play a critical role in both enacting and dismantling systems of oppression.

Cross-Disciplinary Connections

Faculty from different disciplines possess and can share disciplinary writing knowledge and practice.

Writing Across the Curriculum

Wheatley Hall, 6th Floor
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125-3393
Phone: 617.287.6700