UMass Boston


For current students and faculty of the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance.

Department Course Schedule

Upcoming Events

Prospective Student Graduate Program Info Sessions. Join UMass Boston faculty and staff for an informal, online info session! Learn more about the program you are interested in, and bring questions you may have about the program and/or application process. 

Save the Dates: Conflict Resolution Colloquium Series All from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. Stay tuned for more information or contact

  • September 24th, Martha Patrick, UMass Boston Ombudsperson
  • October 7th, . Alumni Panel on DEI Careers
  • November 6th, David Matz Fellows Report
  • December 5th, Roni Lipton Memorial Lecture featuring David Matz

Check back for more events or Email or for more information:

Conflict Resolution Handbook


What to Expect the First Year

You will be assigned a faculty advisor to talk about course planning for your degree program. Your advisor will assist you in meeting your academic requirements and exploring your academic and professional interests. If you do not know who your advisor is, contact the program director, Dr. Karen Ross 

Review the curriculum tab to learn what courses you must complete to finish your degree.  (Master's requirements here and Certificate requirements here).  Visit the form section on this resource tab, where you will find a Curriculum Worksheet for both the Master’s and Certificate programs to help you record and plan your studies. (To fulfill elective requirements, MA students are allowed to take up to 3 (three) classes ­­outside of the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance with the approval of your advisor and of the Graduate Program Director. Please refer to the External Course Approval Form, also in the forms section of the resource tab, for more information).

If you need assistance with WISER, Blackboard, or other resources, refer to the links below:


UMass Boston IT Help Desk

Attending Colloquiums

To fulfill your degree requirements in Conflict Resolution, students are required to attend a certain number of colloquium events sponsored by the department (Master's students must attend 10 and in-person Certificate students must attend 5; online Certificate students are welcome to attend colloquium and other department events but are not required to attend in-person events).  We offer at least 4 colloquium events per semester so there are ample opportunities to meet this requirement.  There will be a sign-up sheet at each colloquium to record attendance.

These events are opportunities to network with other students, faculty and staff members, as well as with guests. Events include our annual Slomoff Lecture, guest speakers, book and film screenings, study abroad presentations, etc. Visit the Upcoming Events and Past Events sections on the resources tab for more details. 

Internships 3-6 credits

We offer a unique opportunity for field experience through an internship.  All Master's students must complete one internship:

  • CONRES 627 - Inter-Group Dialogue & Facilitation 6 Credit(s)
  • CONRES 690 - Court Internship 6 Credit(s)
  • CONRES 692 - Internship 3-6 Credit(s)

See the internship section of the resource tab for opportunities. 

Graduate Assistantships

If you have been awarded a graduate assistantship you will be assigned a supervisor at the beginning of each academic year. 

If you are a current student looking for assistantship opportunities, opportunities will be sent through email when available. Students are also encouraged to visit the Graduate Studies website for more information.

On-Campus Job Opportunities

Our Career Portal that is offered by the Office of Career Services, Handshake, includes a variety of on and off-campus job opportunities for current undergraduate and graduate students.  Also, email to be added to our job and opportunity google digest groups. 

Student Engagement

With 100+ student-led clubs and organizations on campus, students have the opportunity to join or create a club to channel their interests and passions while fostering leadership skills. UMBeInvolved is the place to browse clubs and organizations, events around the university, workshops, and news. Opportunities include the Graduate Students Assembly (GSA) that serves as the voice of graduate students to assure academic and professional developments. The GSA also offers various programs and grants for students.

Choosing Your Capstone Project

Conflict Resolution Master’s students have three options for completing the Capstone which is necessary to meet graduation requirements:

Capstone (3 to 6 Credits)

Complete one of the options below.

1. Integrative Paper 

    • CONRES 693 - Capstone Seminar 3-6 Credit(s)

2. Master’s Project 

    • CONRES 693 - Capstone Seminar 3-6 Credit(s) - take for three credits
    • CONRES 689 - Master’s Project in Conflict Resolution 3 Credit(s)

3. Master’s Thesis 

    • CONRES 693 - Capstone Seminar 3-6 Credit(s) - take for three credits
    • CONRES 699 - Master’s Thesis in Conflict Resolution 3 Credit(s)

Faculty advisors can help walk you through the differences among these options. A collection of past Capstone projects is also available for current students to explore what our graduates have written.

Support for International Students

As a diverse and culturally rich institution, UMass Boston and the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance provide multiple supports for international students. Clubs and organizations, wellness support, the counseling center, and the Office of Global Programs are available to assist international students. The Graduate Writing Center (GWC) facilitates free writing and academic strategy sessions throughout the semester via drop-in or scheduled sessions. The GWC also provides different workshops to bolster academic written and professional skills.

GGHS PhD Student Handbook / GGHS PhD Student & Alumni Biographies

Visit the PhD students resource page to access the PhD student handbook

GGHS PhD Dissertation Proposal Library


Log on to the library using your UMass Boston email and password. The library is housed in OneDrive where you will find a list of titles and links to PDFs proposals.  

Beacon2Beacon Mediation Services

Beacon2Beacon (B2B) is a team of Conflict Resolution students and faculty offering mediation services to members of the UMass Boston community who are experiencing conflict and seeking resolution.  



Internship Opportunities

Internships can provide excellent learning opportunities, sources for professional networking, and possibilities for employment. This page provides a sampling of opportunities available to ConRes students, in Boston and abroad. The list below serves as a sampling, so you are encouraged to reach out to organizations on this list or other groups in which you are interested. You should also consult with UMass Boston's Office of Career Service & Internships that is available as a resource for UMass Boston’s students and alumni, including access to UMass Boston Handshake, our career portal. UMass Boston faculty members, staff, fellow students, and others are also available to point you to interesting opportunities.

When searching for an internship, consider the following:

  • What industries or career fields interest you?
  • Do you need a paid internship, or can you accommodate an unpaid opportunity?
  • What are your transportation needs? Is driving possible or do you require easy access to public transportation?
  • Are you willing (and able) to relocate temporarily (i.e. for summer internships)?

Below is a sampling of what’s available to Conflict Resolution MA students, from on-campus, in-state, national, to international opportunities: 

Elaine Werby Public Service Internship at the UMass Boston Center of Social Policy  

Internship position with a financial award through stipend available for selected students who are passionate to gain experience in research and evaluation regarding poverty eradication.

Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration

As a research center and the state office serving Massachusetts government agencies and citizens, MOPC serves as a neutral forum for collaborative planning, problem-solving, and public issues through evidence-based programming and expedited procurement of resources. Interns will perform photographic evaluations of four youth conflict resolution programs in urban and rural settings, resulting in the development of digital stories that document the lives of a diverse group of at-risk/vulnerable youth populations

Massachusetts Peace Action

Different internship positions for students, recent graduates, or young activists who want to help and want experience in building political power for peace.

Positions Available: Legislation, Research, Communication, and Campus Organizing Intern

United Nations Young Professionals Programme

A recruitment program for young professionals to start a career as an international civil servant with the United Nations Secretariat. The application is open to all nationals of countries participating in the recruitment exercise.








Study Abroad

Visit the Office of Global Programs for list of Faculty-Taught International Programs at the University of Massachusetts Boston

See fellowship, scholarship and grant tabs for funding opportunities

Student Grants

Students of the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance can apply for funding for:

  • Conferences on a rolling basis
  • Seed and grants for research. Deadline to apply November 1 & April 1 each year
  • Winston Langley Fellowship in Human Security. Deadline to apply April 1 each year

CRHSGG Conference and Seed Grant Policy March 2024 (Link to policy and how to apply. )

See the Fellowship & Scholarship tab for more opportunities

External Fellowships and Grants opportunities 

Past Events

Spring 2024

  • Dissertation Defense by Linda Holcombe -PhD in Global Governance and Human Security. Title: Conflicted resources: Revising the concept of “conflict” Resources through the case of Central Africa
  • Elly Rostoum Dissertation Defense – PhD in Global Governance and Human Security: Title: Balancing Sino-American Hegemony in the Era of Critical and Emerging Technologies: Economic Statecraft as Grand Strategy and its Implications on US National Security Anxieties from Foreign Direct Investment and the Instrumentalization of the Chinese Firm
  • Dissertation Defense by Ellen Busolo Milimu – Global Governance and Human Security PhD
  • Dissertation Defense by Anatole France Pitroipa – Global Governance and Human Security PhD
  • Dissertation Defense by Dennis Jjuuko – Global Governance and Human Security PhD
  • Conflict Resolution Capstone Presentations
  • MAIR Capstone Presentations
  • Dissertation Defense by Mahdi Hasan – Global Governance and Human Security PhD
  • Dissertation Defense by Paul Yoo – Global Governance and Human Security PhD
  • Colloquium: The Slomoff Memorial Lecture - Contact and Social Cohesion in Divided Societies, with Linda Tropp
  • Dissertation Defense by Rebecca Yemo – Global Governance and Human Security PhD
  • Dissertation Defense by Denise Muro  – Global Governance and Human Security PhD
  • Colloquium: How do memories contribute to deradicalization? with Mehr Latif
  • Colloquium: Screening of "The Abortion Talks". facilitated by Allyson Bachta

Fall 2023

  • Colloquium: Everyday Peace Indicators: Informing Social Policy through Everyday Lived Experiences with Professor Pamina Firchow
  • Colloquium: Building Negotiation Competent Organizations with Conflict Resolution alumnus, Joshua Gordan.
  • Colloquium: David Matz Fellows Report -students discuss the significance and impact of their experiential learning funded by the fellowship
  • Colloquium: The Roni Lipton Memorial Lecture - Self Care is Not Enough with Sarah Gyorog, Conflict Resolution alumna 

Fall 2022


Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Spring 2019 

Fall 2018

Summer 2018

  • Thesis Defense by Edward C Henry, International Relations Master’s Program -The United States of Sol: Privatization as a Tool of American Hegemony in the Solar System  
  • Thesis Defense by William G Foster-Nolan, International Relations Master’s Program - War, Public Outrage, and Partisanship: Congressional Responses to Presidential Military Overreach

  • Master's in Conflict Resolution thesis defense by Enrico E. Manalo titled: A Closed Mouth Gonna Get you Nothin': How Conflict is Handled after Diversity and Inclusion

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Summer 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016

Spring 2016

Fall 2015

Spring 2015

Fall 2014

Spring 2014

Fall 2013


Capstone and Master's Project Library

Capstone and Master's Project Library

  • Log on with your UMass Boston email and password.:  This will bring you to OneDrive which contains selected titles and links to PDF's. 

Off Campus Housing

PhD Candidate Publication and Award List

PhD Candidate Publication List


Please visit the Registrar's website for a variety of forms including:

- Graduate Transfer Credit Approval Form

- Certificate Program Application (Graduate Student Add a Certificate)

- Leave of Absence Request

Fellowships and Scholarships

Winston Langley Fellowship: Supports student research on human security issues in the developing world.  The Fund will provide financial support, including but not limited to stipends, travel, and other expenses directly related to the research being conducted by one or more financially deserving graduate students in the Dept. of Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance. Call for applications each spring.


  • S Mohammad Ashraf Amiri (2024) funding research to enhance the human security of migrants displaced by violent conflict. 
  • Weston Marume (2024) funding field research in Zimbabwe
  • Candace Famiglietti (2023) funding research in Kenya
  • Krystal-Gayle O’Neill (2022-23) funding research in Anglo-Caribbean
  • Muhammad Ali (2022) funding research in Pakistan
  • Ellen Busolo Milimu (2021 & 2022) funding research in Kenya 
  • Anna Dubrova (2020) funding research in Rwanda
  • Mario Portugal Ramirez (2020) funding summer research in Bolivia
  • Lyndsey McMahan (2019)  funding summer research in Rwanda
  • Mario Portugal Ramirez (2019) funding summer research in Colombia

David Matz Fellowship Awards up to $6000 may be used for experiential learning opportunities such as internships, study abroad, volunteer, academic symposium/conference, student-initiated research projects, or travel related to academic projects and study.  Eligibility: Conflict Resolution MA and Certificate Students who have completed at least 9 credits and have secured an experiential learning opportunity. Call for applications each spring. Please contact for more information.

2024 Matz Fellows 

  • Buket Altincelep
  • Tayla Dunne-Duarte
  • Paola Munoz Gamboa
  • Dominic Offei
  • Adebobola Omowon

Visit student grant section of resource tab to learn more and apply.





Commencement Awards

Department Awards:

Roni Lipton Student Mentor Award- Announced in 2018, this award has been established in honor of longtime Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance Associate Director Roni Lipton, an exceptional mentor to our students for many years, recognizes extraordinary peer mentorship and community building by a student in the department.

    • Satwika Paramasatya  (2024)
    • Denise Muro & Jiedine Phanbuh (2023)
    • Denise Sharif (2022)
    • Anggita Parameswari and Allyson Bachta (2021)
    • Krystal-Gayle O'Neill (2020)
    • Susan Bartzak-Graham (2019)
    • Sarah Beth Fascitelli (2018)
  • Ambassador John W. McDonald Award for Leadership and Innovation in Global Governance and Conflict Resolution This award is given to a graduating student in the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance for showing leadership and innovation in global governance and conflict resolution.

    This award is inspired by the life and work of Ambassador McDonald -- a lawyer, diplomat, international civil servant, development expert and peacebuilder. His career has been dedicated to the integration of thought and action in solving global challenges through innovative means at all levels of governance. 
    • Denise Muro (2024)
    • Zulema Alejandra Palacios Jaramillo (2023)
    • Claudia Beatriz Cardona Acevedo (2022)
    • Jeff Cruz (2021)
    • S. Ashraf Amiri (2020)
    • Israel Archie (2019)
    • JinSeop (Jay) Jang (2018)
    • Saadia Ahmad (2017)
    • Samiullah Mahdi (2016)
    • J. Michael Denney (2013)

Conflict Resolution Program Awards: 

  • Academic Excellence in Conflict Resolution - This award recognizes excellence in academic work in the field of conflict resolution.  It is given in recognition of outstanding academic performance in research, written work, and/or classroom discussion.

    • Abdel Razak Kawaf & Kenneth Murphy (MA); Ciara O'Driscoll (Certificate) (2024)
    • Jillian Miller & Savannah Cook (MA); Kathleen Talvacchia (Certificate) (2023)
    • Alexandra Carver and Ogemdi Theo Chukwu - Master's Program (2022)
    • Donna Daniels -Certificate Program (2022)
    • Matt Cloyd (2021)
    • Kaitlyn Burns (2020)
    • Rachel Nederhoff (2019)
    • Nancy Ramer (2018)
    • Teresa Yeh (2017)
    • Daniel Green Certificate Program (2016)   
    • Emily Schkeryantz and Savannah Williams - Master's Program (2016)
  • Conflict Resolution Convocation Award -This book award is given in recognition of extraordinary work in the conflict resolution program. It recognizes excellence across both coursework and the capstone project.

    • Kristina Angelevska (2024)
    • Hayley Bartlett (2023)
    • Matthew Regan McGonagle (2022)
    • Mariam Davlidshelidze (2021)
    • Jennifer Moya Castano (2020)
    • Joshua Stuart Shor (2019)
    • Enrico Manalo (2018)
  • Donald Paulson Service Award in Conflict Resolution - This award recognizes outstanding service into the field of conflict resolution, both within the program at UMass Boston and to the wider conflict resolution field.

    • Lynn Vincent (2024)
    • Hadley Zibel & Izabel Depina (2023)
    • Noel Pampalone (2022)
    • Augusta Davis (2021)
    • Michael Rozinsky (2020)
    • Beyza Burcak (2019)
    • Josie Patterson (2018)
    • Kweta Henry (2017)
    • Richard Barbieri (2016)

Global Governance and Human Security PhD Program Awards:

  • GGHS Excellence in Dissertation Research Award -This award recognizes extraordinary excellence in doctoral research by a GGHS doctoral student who has either successfully defended a doctoral dissertation or published a portion of doctoral research as an article in a high impact peer-reviewed venue, in the previous 12 months

    • Rebecca Yemo (2024)
    • Polly Cegielski & Nadezhda Filimonova (2023)
    • Kundan Mishra and Jean-Pierre Murray (2022)
    • Adriana Rincon Villegas (2021)
    • Charles Brackett & Abigail Kabandula (2020)
    • Deborah McFee (2019)
    • Natalia Escobar Pemberthy & Yuliya Rashchupkina (2018)
  • GGHS Excellence in Community Engagement and Leadership Award -This award recognizes extraordinary excellence by a GGHS graduate student or recent alum in the areas of community engagement, community service, political/policymaking leadership and/or applied policy or political action. Such leadership and engagement may be achieved at UMass Boston, or within other local, state, national or international communities.

    • Abiodun Baiyewu (2024)
    • Nkasi Wodu (2023)
    • Krystal-Gayle O'Neill (2022)
    • Lyndsey McMahan (2021)
    • Michael Scanlon (2020)
    • Denise Muro & David Sulewski (2019)
    • Charla Burnett (2018)

International Relations Master's Program Awards 

  • Convocation Award for Academic Excellence in International Relations - This award recognizes excellence in academic work in the field of international relations.  It is given in recognition of outstanding scholarly performance and overall academic record.

    • Joshua Windsor-Knox   (2024)
    • Brian Snow (2023)
    • Vladyslav Nekhoroshykh (2022)
    • Brittany Dhooge (2021)
    • Kristin Hynes (2020)
    • Nathan Akin (2019)
    • William Foster-Nolan (2018)
    • Ugonna Ishionwu (2017)
    • Stephen Norris (2016)
  • Outstanding Achievement in International Relations This award recognizes outstanding scholarly achievements in the field of international relations.  It is given to a student whose performance in courses and also in other scholarly endeavors deserves special recognition.

    • Miles Lockwood and Marvin Read IV (2024)
    • Mariam Hassan, Brandon Sullivan and Charlot Lucien (2023)
    • Hassan Chehab and Hannah Cruz Fratus (2022)
    • Lissa Damus (2021)
    • Mariely Guerrero (2020)
    • Kinga Karlowska (2019)
    • Ira Kassiel (2018)
    • Jacey Taft  (2017)
    • George Fakhry (2016)
  • MAIR Capstone/Thesis Award - This award recognizes exceptional work in a capstone or MA thesis project.

    • Tayler Stephenson (2024)
    • Amee Nguyen (2023)
    • David Hackett (2022)
    • Brandon Wilcox (2021)
    • Maryanne Kamunya (2020)
    • Olabode George Oluwa Igandan (2019)
    • ​Shaheen Brandon Merhej (2018)

Global Governance and Human Security Master's Program Awards

  • Convocation Award for Academic Excellence in Global Governance and Human Security - This award recognizes excellence in academic work in the field of global governance and human security. It is given in recognition of outstanding scholarly performance and overall academic record. 
    • Lilian Sibanda (2023)
    • William Wyman (2022)
    • ​Rose Fitzmaurice (2021)

Faculty Forms and Policies

Department Constitution

Job Search Links

Looking for a job or internship? Contact to be added to the google digest listserv of opportunities.

Visit the links below, search for your area of interest and location.

DOSS Doctoral Career/Job Market Strategies Webinar with McCormack faculty

Understanding the Job Market: How to Prepare Early in your Program

Careers in Conflict Resolution and International Affairs


"The Future of Mediation - Starting a Career" with David Smith

Maryland Program for Mediator Excellence ADR Careers page for DC/Maryland area

The Versatile PhD (platform for non-academic job search)

Peace and Collaborative Development Network

Boston Network for International Development

Global Jobs (sortable by level, region, & sector)


USA Jobs (federal government jobs):

Work for Good (nonprofit jobs, searchable by location/function) (refine search by geographic region and job function keyword)

City of Cambridge jobs

City of Boston jobs

Careers in Government

Networks/platforms to join in order to exchange information and increase connections

Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP)

Peace and Collaborative Development Network (PCDN)

Boston Network for International Development



Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Opportunities

African Studies Association Job/Opportunities

APSA e-jobs

ISA job board

Chronicle of Higher Education Vitae


PJSA opportunities

Listservs: New York Dispute Resolution Network email listserv (NYC-DR), Maryland MACRO email listserv

Facebook and LinkedIn groups: Conflict Transformation Peacebuilding and Security (LI), Boston Facilitator’s Roundtable (LI), Boston Young Professionals Association (LI), Careers in Foreign Affairs (FB)

Professional Associations: Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), ACR-Northeast, Peace & Justice Studies Association, Alliance for Peacebuilding, International Studies Association (ISA)

Multimedia resources

UMass Boston Alumni Career Panel, September 

Webinar: Looking at Career Paths for Young People in the Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Fields by David Smith

Resources for Social Entrepreneurship/Startups

Foundation Center

Echoing Green Fellowship


Peace First (youth under 25)

Structured hiring programs: Presidential Management Fellows (U.S. Govt), Scoville Peace Fellowship (6-9 months in DC organizations), AmeriCorps, Teach for America, World Bank Jr. Fellows, UN Volunteers, USAID Democracy Fellowship, State Department Pathways program

Other resources:




Graduate Teaching Program

Visit the University's Graduate Teaching Program page for more information.

Methodology Resources

This resource is a list of possible trainings/workshops/classes related to different methodological approaches:

Methodology resources for CRHSGG students